Spotting the Leopard

A Merlin S&M Production

Spotting the Leopard

The Amazon's used their gladiatorial games as an opportunity to administer public floggings. During breaks in the fights the victim to be punished would be hung or tied to a post and then subjected to a severe beating usually with a whip or a wooden rod.

One of the most dreaded punishments was called "spotting the leopard". The "leopard" was a heavy leather whip which split into three straps at its tip; each strap having a metal ball tied to its end. The whip got its name from the bruises caused by the metal balls, which resembled the spots of a leopard.

Here we see a slave woman called Hertuna being whipped with the leopard for stealing from her mistress:

The Wasp's Sting

Another bola whip often used by the Amazon's in punishing criminals or enemies was called the "Wasp's Sting". This whip got its name from the appearance of the bolus at the tip of the whip - it resembled a minature wasp's nest.

The shaft of the whip was made out of flexible cane and the bolus made out of strips of tightly bound leather. Being relatively small, the was often used in the army for the interrogation of prisoners. Here we see a prisoner captured on a raid into barbarian village being tortured to reveal the whereabouts of the rest of the village.

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