Return to Valhalla
by Merlin

Part 1, The Strapon Sisters


For a few months after her brutal defeat at the hands of Talia, the WCF's first champion, Cindy's appearances at the Valhalla Club were few and far between. Instead she focused on fighting in glamour matches in topless bars and clubs in and around Manhattan. She was paid well for these fights which carried little risk of causing further injury while she was still recovering from her fight with Talia.

It was while she was appearing in such a club that she met her future partner and girlfriend, Sandy. They formed a tag team called "The Strapon Sisters" and specialised in fighting in strapon dildo matches where the objective of the match was to penetrate a member of the opposing team.

Most strapon fights were purely slap and tickle affairs where neither team tried to hurt or injure the other side. However, a few months after they started their tag team Cindy and Sandy were pitched against a team from the Bronx called the "Black Dongs" who played a very different game:
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