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The crowd assembled quickly and I could sense, if not see, the people pushing forward towards the walls of the corral.  The air was cooling quickly and I was beginning to feel more lively as Pieter bellowed out at the top of his voice for the crowd to quieten down so that he could start the event.
"This here is Kaytee a fresh young thing of 21.  Which of you men or women want to take her on?  One hundred dollars to any man or woman who can beat her!"
As he spoke I stripped off my top ready for the first fight.  Pieter insisted that I fight bare chested as he felt this would attract more guys to come to the events.  And the more people that came to watch the more money he made from the betting and selling beer.
The crowd's noise grew as people discussed the proposition and the fact that I was to fight bare chested.  I could hear people calling to friends and neighbours to come watch the fight.
Pieter's head swivelled from side to side as he waited for a reply to his challenge.  One hundred dollars was more than a month's wage for most of folk, so he didn't anticipate having to wait long.  Sure enough it was only a matter of seconds before a voice called out, "I'll take her on!"